IPhone 16, возможно, не намного быстрее iPhone 15 Pro, но меня это не волнует

The iPhone 15 Pro features the ultra-fast Apple A17 Pro chipset. My current iPhone has been working as fast as I need it to for the past six months. It’s time to look ahead and see what the future holds for the iPhone 16 series in 2024, which is expected to feature the A18 Pro chipset, the successor to the current A17 Pro in the iPhone 15 models.

According to rumors, all four new iPhones in the upcoming iPhone 16 lineup will be equipped with the A18 chipset. However, despite the numerical increase in the designation, the A18 is not expected to be significantly more powerful than its predecessor, the A17. In fact, recent leaks suggest that the A18 will only be 10% faster.”Only 10%! I can hear you complaining. A 10% increase might not seem like a lot from a digital or physical perspective. But let me assure you that the speed of the iPhone (and, to be honest, most flagship phones starting in 2024) doesn’t really matter anymore. The iPhone 15 Pro is the most powerful smartphone I’ve used. It ensures incredibly smooth performance on your device and avoids performance degradation when playing games, browsing the internet, taking photos, watching videos, or doing any other activity you do on your phone today. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. If you’re using the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra as your daily driver, I’m sure you’ll feel exactly the same way about your powerful companion.The thing is, I believe we have reached a point of saturation when it comes to the speed of flagship phones. It’s not just about the overall performance of these devices, but also how they feel when you interact with them. Even though the 10% increase in power might make the iPhone 16 objectively 10% faster than the iPhone 15 Pro, I suspect that the difference will not be noticeable in everyday use.

Efficiency is more important than speed.

We expected a slight increase in speed with each new iPhone, but that is no longer the case, especially in 2016 when there were many opportunities to improve the phone’s speed. I would like Apple to focus on improving other aspects of mobile interaction in the iPhone 16, and it seems that is exactly what they are doing.

For example, the A18 Pro is expected to provide the iPhone 16 with impressive artificial intelligence capabilities. The new chipset will have significantly more Neural Engine cores than the A17 Pro for artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, even though games may not run faster on the iPhone 15 Pro.

IPhone 16, возможно, не намного быстрее iPhone 15 Pro, но меня это не волнует

The iPhone 15 Pro already has the potential to become a formidable gaming console. Similarly, Apple has the opportunity to improve the performance of its flagship chips, such as increasing the battery life of the iPhone. The iPhone 15 Plus, powered by the latest Apple A16 Bionic chip, currently has the best battery life among iPhones, surpassing the iPhone 15 Pro, which was powered by the A17 chip, in our tests. Therefore, we expect the iPhone 16 to have even better battery life than the previous year’s model.

It is important to note that in today’s market, it is not about which chipset is faster. According to rumors, the Samsung Galaxy S25 is expected to be equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, which is more powerful than the A18 in the iPhone 16. However, does this matter?I would like to see industry experts and mobile device manufacturers focus more on visible chipset improvements rather than invisible Geekbench results and clock speed increases. As tech journalists, we can play a role in this change in thinking and hope that future rumors about the Apple A18 Pro chipset turn out to be unfounded.

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Неофициальное руководство по ремонту iPhone, iPad и iPod. Пусть ваши устройства прослужат дольше!

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Каким БУДЕТ iPhone 16?

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