The AI War for Devices Intensifies

Apple Researchers Reveal Breakthrough Advances in Artificial Intelligence That Could Make Siri Even Smarter

In a new paper titled “ReALM: Language Modeling as a Reference Resolution,” Apple researchers show that the company’s AI system uses the device’s screen content and the task it is currently performing (both front view and screen-up background) to answer your questions.

the purpose of this is for the AI assistant to understand the context of the query, knowing, for example, what image is displayed on the screen, what music is playing in the background, or which iPhone alarm has just gone off to help people understand. And Apple argues that its own AI can work just fine if it understands the context.

In fact, Apple researchers say that for this particular “reference resolution” task, their AI is “significantly” capable of outperforming GPT-4, the large-scale language model (LLM) that underpins the paid ChatGPT Plus. With this feature at its disposal, it looks like Siri will finally be able to shed its reputation as a low-quality digital assistant.

And it’s not the only competitor to ChatGPT that seems to have made great strides. Samsung’s Bixby, if anything, has a worse reputation than Siri, but it looks like it has its own generative AI capabilities. If you’re looking to implement an AI chatbot on your phone, whether you prefer iOS or Android, it looks like you’re in for some good news.

Is the next-generation Siri finally on the way?


Apple Researchers Reveal Breakthrough Advances in Artificial Intelligence That Could Make Siri Even Smarter

OpenAI’s LLM is considered one of the best AI models in the world at the moment, so swapping blows with GPT-4 means Apple technology built into the device, even if it’s designed specifically for one specific task. If the researchers’ technology is adopted by Siri, it could be a big step forward for Apple’s much-maligned assistant.

Interestingly, Apple claims that its largest LLM is vastly superior to GPT-4 in this “reference resolution” problem. However, even the company’s smallest LLM has achieved “GPT-4 equivalent performance.” If that’s true, then it means that Apple’s research into artificial intelligence has yielded some pretty impressive results.

However, as stated in the document, there is still work to be done. “We found that while our approach is effective at encoding the location of objects on the screen, it results in a loss of information and may not be able to solve complex user queries.” We believe this is a promising, albeit challenging, avenue for future research.”

In the tech world, it’s no secret that Apple is working on the next generation of artificial intelligence, and many expect it to be a key feature of iOS 18. Apple plans to announce its latest software updates at WWDC 2024 in June with senior executive Greg Joswiak. Apple executives. The VP of Global Marketing casually mentioned to X (formerly Twitter) that WWDC would be “absolutely incredible” (yes, with the same capital letters).

We won’t know how well Siri compares to ChatGPT’s voice capabilities until iOS 18 is in users’ hands, but it’s clear that Apple is confident in its progress. And that’s a good omen for Apple fans, who are watching with no small envy the achievements of the company’s competitors in the field of artificial intelligence.


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